Finance. Data. Software

Mahdeen (Sameer) Khan

Colby College


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Step into the ​Creative world of ​Sameer

In the realm of numbers and codes, where finance and mathematics entwine,

Stands Sameer, a crafter of fiscal designs, an Engineer refined.

With a heart fueled by passion, a mind sharp and fine,

He dances through complexities, on challenges he'll dine.

A Daily LIfe (2023)


Originating from the lively streets of Dhaka, ​Bangladesh, Sameer is a celebrated aspirant ​renowned for his enigmatic quantitative ​reasonings. Unveiling the depths of coding and ​pushing the boundaries of storytelling, Sameer is ​the brilliant mind behind some of the most gripping ​finance knowledge in the industry. With a unique ​ability to blur the lines between reality and illusion, ​Sameer’s works are a rollercoaster of fun, taking ​readers on a relentless journey into the enigmatic ​ambition of the mind.

My approach

I have always been captivated by the intricacies of ​consultancy and the power of mystery in case ​studies and coding. My approach to crafting ​compelling and unforgettable strategies is rooted ​in my passion for creating intense, thought-​provoking, and immersive experiences that leave a ​lasting impact on projects. I look forward to ​continuing to craft gripping strategies and ​solutions that challenge, entertain, and push the ​boundaries of the technological world.


Sameer’s educational journey has ​equipped him with a deep understanding ​of the nuances of Software Development ​and Financial Analysis, from crafting ​logical narratives to creating immersive ​programming solution. His commitment ​to mastering the art of learning and ​solving is evident in his academic ​accomplishments.

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science

Colby College, Maine

Concentration: Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Colby College, Maine

Specialization: Financial Accounting and Analysis

Masterclass in Web Development

Programming Hero

Focused on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, Redux, ​Babel, Webpack, Node.js, Express.js, Android Studio, Liquid, GraphQL, ​Flask.

Wall Street Prep Course

Financial Statement Modeling, DCF Modeling

Recent Projects

To gain further insights into our project portfolio and explore detailed examples of our work, we kindly invite you to get in touch with us.



A tool with Robo-advisor, equipped with ​the capability to generate intricate ​financial statements and sophisticated ​data-driven models.


ParaAi (Affiliation)

Craft compelling content with the help ​of AI. Streamline your writing process, ​whether for freelance projects or ​content creation.



Eliminate the need for meeting notes. ​With AdaAi, obtain transcripts, ​automated summaries, and action ​items. Chat with AdaAi for ADHD ​students to enhance focus and ​productivity.


IngreDetect (Affiliation)

Bishal’s fully responsive web application ​by leveraging Gmail API and OpenAI API. ​Users can get the daily menu served at ​Dana Dining Hall, Colby College.


Todd Herrmann

Director of Employer/Alumni Connections

"Sameer's direction is revelatory. He ​effortlessly navigated the complexities of the ​problem and brought to life a unique blend of ​strategy and solution. His vision and ​dedication to problem-solving are truly ​exceptional."

Maximillian Bender

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

"Sameer is a master of the 'Never Give Up' ​philosophy. His ability to create an atmosphere ​of hard work without tension is nothing short of ​remarkable. Collaborating with him on the ​CS231 Projects was a thrilling experience, and ​his critical thinking skills are second to none."

Pandit Mami

DavisConnects Advisor for Int. Policy, ​Government, and Consulting

"Sameer's attention to detail and ​understanding of data analytics are ​exceptional. Finan-Ai was a collaborative ​triumph, and Sameer's ability to create the ​perfect noir tool for students and teachers was ​both inspiring and captivating."

Se Ho Kwak

Assistant Professor of Economics

"Working with Sameer on Finan-Ai was a spine-​tingling journey of creativity in the world of ​accounting & Finance. His keen eye for detail ​and his commitment to crafting the right ​aesthetics for the tool were instrumental in ​making the accounting software a gripping ​visual experience. Sameer was a great student ​who truly knows how to set the stage for ​creativity."


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Gold Award

International Astronomy and ​Astrophysics Competition

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International Youth Math Challenge

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Best First Hack

TechTogether Boston Hackathon

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Dean’s List

Academic Excellence

Director of the Month

(Sports Club)

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Contact Information



+1 (207) 250-6972


7209 Mayflower Hl, Waterville, ME 0401


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Designed by Sameer Khan